Japanese KitKats


Japan is famous for its bizarre multitude of flavored kitkats. Here’s a few of the ones we tried and how the tasted!

Cranberry Almond

Referred to by our group as trail mix kitkats they had a crumble of almond and cranberry pressed into the chocolate on top. Other than that they were basically like a normal kitkat. Unfortunately I don’t have a picture of them since I didn’t realize at the time I’d need to write an entire review post just for a candybar.


Onsen Manju

These ones are a regional special flavor we found in Gero. They had white chocolate on the outside and red bean stripes inside. The flavor was definitely unlike anything I’d ever tasted. It kind of reminded me of my grandparents. No idea why I think it’s just an old people taste if that makes sense?

Shinshu apple

These are another regional kitkat. But these ones came in a fancy gift box. They looked like normal kitkats (maybe a little melty) but as soon as you open the package there’s suddenly a distinct apple cider smell. The taste it like if you dipped a kitkat in apple sauce, so fairly mild but I really like them.

Strawberry Cheesecake

This one tastes nothing like cheese cake. But is still really good. The kitkat bars are individually wrapped. When you open them they’re bright pink with dried strawberry and graham cracker bits pressed into the top. They were very sweet but the little fruit leather like strawberry bits on top helped make it a fruity sweet rather than just a kick in the teeth sugar sweet.



I’m 90% sure this one is from the autumn collection of kitkats. They’re white chocolate on the outside but I think have nutmeg or cinnamon in them because they’re a little speckled. They taste very faintly nutty but mostly they just taste like eggnog to me. So nutmeg I guess? I really like them and they’re Miss Crows favorite.


Plum Sake

These are my favorite. They taste kind of like Moscato and kind of like pears but also faintly citrusy? The outside is white chocolate bit more of an ivory color. They also came in a kind of pretty box. If you don’t like fruit they also have straight sake flavor.



They taste like what they say. They taste like a sweet cup of tea, although not as sweet as many of the kitkats on this list. I think they actually have powdered tea leaf in them which adds a little bitterness which is not bad at all!

We saw more than we tried, since we didn’t want to spend all our travel money on kitkat bars. So let me know if there are any really fantastic ones I missed so I can get them next time!

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